Does thawing meat or chicken in the microwave have any side effects? May 17, 2022 After much research I have a satisfactory answer. And my answer is... don't use the microwave to defrost, only if... Only if… You have ...
Some vegans say that it is not natural to eat meat. What does science say? Is eating meat unnatural for humans? May 17, 2022 Of course, it is not natural to eat meat just as it is not natural to cremate the dead, or perform surgery, or play soccer, nor is it nat...
Why do humans consume meat if our digestive system is not built to digest it? May 17, 2022 The human being is adapted to eat meat, and to a greater or lesser degree as well as vegetables, fruits, leaves, stems, tubers, etc. Any e...
Does the meat we eat rot in the stomach? May 17, 2022 This question was already answered more than two centuries ago, at the end of the 18th century, by an eccentric Italian scientist, Lazzaro ...