What are some tips you can give someone who is just learning to cook?

 Here are my tips:

  1. Want to make chili sauce, but are lazy to fry chilies because they explode? Easy. Cut the chili in half (make sure there are no whole chilies) it won't explode again.
  2. If you're making a stir fry, make sure there's more garlic than onion. 
    Ex: garlic 4, onion 3
  3. If you make a stir, don't forget the bay leaf and a little galangal. Guaranteed to make it taste different.
  4. Making stir fry but the end result failed? Add the oyster sauce saori. 99% instantly delicious.
  5. If you want to make the chili cooked, make sure the fried shrimp paste is the last. Don't fry it with chilies, it will make the truffles burn quickly and become bitter. If necessary, when the stove is off, add the shrimp paste, so that it will cook on its own because it is exposed to the heat of the oil.

Wow, because it turns out that many people agree with my tips, I'll add a few more, okay?

  1. If cooking seafood, boil the seafood together with geprek ginger and lemongrass. 
    Will definitely get rid of the fishy smell.
  2. If you are one of those people who are lazy to wash dishes (including me) it is better to cook fried eggs than scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs only leave the pot dirty, while omelettes make you have to wash pots, bowls, forks, even cutting boards and knives (if you make an omelet complete with onions and spring onions).
  3. When cooking soup, it's better if your garlic is crushed than crushed. And once again, it's more economical to wash the dishes because you don't have to wash it again.
  4. To make ferocious tamarind / sour tamarind, to make it taste sour, you can use: green tomatoes, star fruit wuluh, tamarind, kedondong leaves.

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