What are the signs that someone is secretly a sociopath?

 They have no friends and their relationship with their family is dysfunctional. Possibly based only on intertransactionality; they are only in contact with them for economic benefits, since these strengthen their parasitic life or a certain status. If they have friends, they are people with the same disorders (narcissists and borderlines), they get together to drink, take drugs, rave together. They regularly have some magical thinking, that is, as a group there is a great foundation that gives them solidity.

No one is secretly a sociopath. There are many behaviors and details that expose them. However, you must be a person with a real and strong sense of morals, ethics and common sense to realize that the subject is committing antisocial attitudes. Otherwise, he will even persuade you and you will be complicit in his entertainment.

At the party, drunk his level of extroversion is excessive. Although, all of us, being drunk, lose consciousness and consciousness; when they are filled with alcohol something strange is activated. I'm going to sound crazy, but in those moments they act like vampires, because their senses are sharpened, the alcohol numbs their self-destructive impulses and they become pure predators. The point is that only a teetotaler could recognize it.

Those who are secretly sociopaths are very lonely.

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